Snake Discovery: The Ultimate Guide to Snakes

To understand why snakes are suddenly so plentiful in Australia, you need to look back at the last three decades. These animals usually thrive in very cold environments, and Australia is the coldest place on Earth.
Snake Discovery
Koolhaas pointed to the Ivanhoe’s collection of pit vipers, including the world’s heaviest venomous snake, the Burmese python.
“It has earned its name because it was discovered near the banks of the Chindwin River, and a man fell in the water,” he explained. “It’s an incredible example of how quickly something can go from wild to exotic, to something that people travel thousands of miles to see.”
“We also have quite a few land snakes and some of the really interesting ones are very, very tiny, and you just never see them,” he added.
Helping Them Live on As many of Myanmar’s snakes hibernate during the cold months of the year, residents now use Ivanhoe’s collection to help them stay warm.
Snake Discovery: The Different Kinds of Snakes
The list of snakes includes A diamond-back rattlesnake, one of the most venomous on earth The Texas rattlesnake, which is the largest in the world The American copperhead snake, the world’s third most venomous, and the most dangerous The Western hog-nosed snake.
The coral snake The rat snake The northern copperhead snake, which is the most venomous of the 15 or so snakes in North America that are classified as venomous The eastern copperhead snake, which is the most venomous in the US.
The diamondback rattlesnake The reticulated python, which has a population of about 1 million The viper Shutterstock A burrowing snake, which can go anywhere.
Snake Discovery: Snake Classification
As many as 29 snake families may be found in the area, including the Gila wood snake, southwest white-tailed rat snake, southwestern spadefoot, Adriatic, western Dusky-mouthed, and northwestern striped snakes, according to Scientific American.
Snakes In The Colorado Desert The Colorado Desert stretches from the Antelope Valley of Southern California in the north to the far southeast corner of the state.
Snake Sensitivity The desert is full of rattlesnakes. While it may be less threatening than the desert wilderness, it still poses a threat to humans.